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Vale Wally Budgeon 1937 - 2023

Published Tue 31 Jan 2023

Hockey Tasmania joins with the Northern hockey community, and the rest of the Tasmanian hockey and sporting community, in sending our condolences to the Budgeon family after the peaceful passing of Wally Budegon at age 86.

Wally made a significant contribution over the years to the sport in Launceston as a player and coach, was instrumental and influential in the development of the generations that followed him, and was duly rewarded with Life Membership of the Northern Hockey Association (NHA) and Life Membership of Hockey Tasmania.

In 2020 he was named as Player-Coach of the South Launceston Suns Men's Team of the SLHC Era 1945-1965, the club's foundational team, recognising the enormous impact he had.

His love for the game, his club, and his community was passed down through to his children and grand-children, and the Budgeon name is famous in Tasmania, in Australia, and also globally now because of the outstanding example he set.

Vale Wally Budgeon.
